Compressed air power car concept worldwide.

PHOTO CAPTION: MDI MiniCat compressed air-powered car is said to go 125-170 miles on 25kWh of electric power and at freeway speeds. Source :
Is it really possible to run a four passenger car or a minivan or a pickup on nothing but compressed air? Developed by Moteur Developpement International, the Compressed Air Engine might just be best thing to have happened to the motor engine in years. And now, one of the first commercial applications for the zero-emission engine, the Air Car, will be starting production relatively soon, thanks to India’s TATA Motors. There’s fuel, there’s renewable fuel, and then there’s uber-renewable fuel- and a car that runs off of air is sure to fall into the third category. Here’s hoping we see these on streets all over the world sooner than later! The French Connection, a compressed air powered MDI MiniCat

Clean Power Motorshow: Alternative Car


RAV4-EV to the Alt Car Expo in Santa Monica Oct. 19